triple j Unearthed


triple j Unearthed
6 1
Format: Alternative

  • Playlist

    • Kvka - Did It Again
    • The Moving Stills - Running Out
    • Sash Seabourne - Slow Dance
    • Jem Cassar-daley - King Of Disappointment
    • Velvet Trip - Calling Out Your Name

  • Top Songs

    • 1 Velvet Trip - Calling Out Your Name
    • 2 Sleepazoid - Alice
    • 3 Moss - You Again
    • 4 The Dreggs - Stay The Night
    • 5 Darcie Haven - Hounds


Triple J Unearthed is a radio station created for an ongoing hidden talent project that began in 1995 and covers all of Australia. The station went live on digital radio and online on October 5, 2011. Here listeners can appreciate and listen to songs and Australian music uploaded by artists and musicians.

Slogan: "We live, laugh, love music."

First air date: 5 October 2011

Owner: Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Broadcast area: Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin, Hobart


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triple j Unearthed Radio broadcasts in the following cities on DAB+ 9C:

  • State and Territory Capitals

