Totally Radio Easy

16 2
Format: Easy Llistening
- Travis - Why Does It Always Rain On Me?
- Ed Sheeran - Visiting Hours
- Elton John - Rocket Man
- Phil Collins - Another Day In Paradise
- Mr. Big - To Be With You
Top Songs
- 1 Michael Bolton - How Am I Supposed To Live Without You
- 2 Robert Plant - Big Log
- 3 Kool & The Gang - Cherish
- 4 Tina Arena - Chains
- 5 Barry White - Can’t Get Enough Of Your Love, Baby
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Totally Radio Easy is a commercial streaming station available through apps and official website in all states of Australia. Owned by Totally Media Pty. Ltd. Broadcasts non-stop light music from Camp Hill, an eastern suburb of Brisbane, Queensland.
Slogan: "Australia’s Relaxing Hits"
First air date: 2016
Owner: Totally Media Pty. Ltd.
Sister stations
Totally Radio Easy broadcasts in different cities online:
- All states and territories of Australia
- Site:
- Address: Totally Media Pty. Ltd. Camp Hill, QLD, 4152 Australia.
- Phone number: 1(800) 473-7379.
- E-mail: