Radio National WA
Perth / 810 AM / DAB+ 9C

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Format: News
Radio National (RN) Perth is a national network public radio station in Australia. Owned and operated by ABC, RN Perth broadcasts on 810 AM, DAB+ 9C and other frequencies throughout WA and online. The station's programming format focuses on in-depth news, analysis and cultural content, including current events, science, music and art. It also produces and broadcasts several original programs, such as the "Stage Show" and the "Background Briefing.
Slogan: "Your World Unfolding"
First air date: 5 October 1938
Call sign: 6WN
Owner: Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Broadcast area: Western Australia
ABC RN local stations
Days Like These Farz Edraki Mon 11-11:30am, Fri 2 - 5am
Conversations Richard Fidler and Sarah Kanowski Mon - Sat, 2 - 3pm
- The full program guide can be seen here.
All frequencies of ABC Radio National WA that broadcast on FM or AM in Western Australia cities can be seen here.
- Perth 810 AM & DAB+ 9C
- Site:
- Address: ABC RN GPO Box 9994 Sydney, 2001.
- Phone number: (02) 8333 2821, Talkback - 1300 22 55 76.
- SMS: 0418 226 576.